Christ Lutheran Church of Conway Arkansas
Christ Lutheran Church preaches Christ crucified for the salvation of all who believe. The Bible is the sole source for the faith. It is the very word of God and it contains both God’s law, the demands God places on us, as well as God’s gospel, the good news that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brings us salvation, the forgiveness of our sins, our resurrection from the dead, and our eternal life in a new heaven and new earth.
Christ Lutheran is a creedal church. We confess the Apostles’, Nicene, and the Athanasian Creeds. As Lutherans, we consider the Book of Concord to be an accurate description of what the God teaches through His inerrant and infallible Bible.
We are also a sacramental church. In baptism, God places the Holy Spirit into us, He washes us clean of our sins, He adopts us into His family, and He gives us a rebirth into spiritual life. In the Lord’s Supper, Christ gives us His actual body and blood, along with bread and wine. The body and blood we receive in the Lord’s Supper is the same body and blood which hung on the cross and which was raised from the dead three days later.
We believe the pastor is a gift from God, given by God to His church to speak on God’s behalf to His people. The pastor has the responsibility to guide Christ’s sheep, to protect them from the devil, to teach the entire revelation of God, both Law and Gospel, to administer the sacraments in accordance with Christ’s institution, and to both forgive sins and withhold the forgiveness of sins in accordance with Christ’s commands in John 20.
Although we are not “high church”, Christ Lutheran Church uses a traditional Lutheran liturgical order of service with hymns from the Lutheran Service Book, a hymn book produced by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We chose this hymn book because we have been pleased by the orthodox nature of the hymn choices.
If we were to describe ourselves, we would say we are an old-fashion, country Lutheran church. We are simple, faithful believers who trust in Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection alone for our salvation. We look forward to our resurrection and eternal life while we go through our time in this fallen world. We trust our heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to bring us through this world on tribulation into a world of joy.
If this is what you believe, or if you are interested in knowing more, please come join us as we gather around Christ to receive the gifts, He gives us in His word and sacraments every Sunday morning.